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Online course: Communication for Development (C4D)

Communication for Development, or C4D, is a people-centered process where
Online Course: Communication For Development (C4D)

Communication for Development, or C4D, is a people-centered process where communication tools and activities are used to support social and behavior change in a sustained way. It is used to understand a targeted audience’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices around a certain issue in order to work with them to develop empowering messages and tools. C4D provides a framework under which actions can be taken to empower communities to adopt positive behavior change.  

For basic C4D, start by reading our dedicated post. To deepen your knowledge, we’ve developed this free online course especially for you. It takes 60 minutes to complete, and gives you a certificate if you pass the final test.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • understand IOM’s Communication for Development (C4D) approach
  • recognize how applying C4D can strengthen results at your work
  • and understand the five steps of applying C4D

The course will soon be available in French.