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C4D Academy Tips & Tools

iom compass

IOM’s first C4D Academy took place in Tunis, Tunisia in 2022

Introducing the C4D Academy

Communication for Development (C4D) is a participatory, inclusive approach that can be applied to any project but just like with any new skill, the right tips and tools make all the difference!

In 2022, IOM brought together staff from 10 countries to sharpen their C4D skills at the first C4D Academy as part of the COMPASS initiative, funded by the Government of the Netherlands.

If you weren’t able to join us, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with content from the C4D Academy right here on Yenna. You can dive into these four in-depth modules:

1. Top 5 tools to develop your project

Communication tools are digital solutions (in this case software) that can help you in the creation and management of your content. In this module you’ll learn about:

  • Canva
  • Google Trends
  • Hootsuite
  • MailChimp
  • WordPress

Ready to learn more? Click here.

2. 5 key design principles

Have you ever wondered which principles are behind great presentation slides? In this module, you’ll learn about five principles that you can use in your own work:

  • Contrast
  • Proximity
  • Balance
  • Hierarchy & proportion
  • White space

Intrigued? Click here.

3. Human-Centred Design (HCD)

What process starts with the people you’re designing for and ends with new solutions that are tailor-made to suit their needs? You guessed it, it’s Human-Centered Design (HCD)! You’ll learn how it works across three phases:

  • Inspiration
  • Ideation
  • Implementation

Ready to learn more about HCD? Click here.

4. A day in your users’ shoes

This module is all about identifying and understanding who you’re designing for. You’ll learn about how to create a:

  • Stakeholder map – to identify all of your stakeholders
  • Empathy map – to narrow it down to one stakeholder
  • Une personalité de ul – to create an archetype of that stakeholder

Ready to become more user-friendly? Click here.

Your online C4D Academy starts now!