Storytelling has nourished the imagination of societies with oral traditions for thousands of years. In Africa, storytelling is widely used to share knowledge in villages from generation to generation. Storytelling is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the performing arts.
Popular Theatre
Popular Theatre, as its name suggests, aims to democratize art and provide easy access to culture. It often combines different art forms and uses comedic techniques, such as satire and caricature, to talk about social issues.
Forum Theatre
Forum Theatre is a form of ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’, an interactive theatre method based on two beliefs: that theatre can and should be a tool for changing the world, and that every human being owns its language.
Collective Creation
Born from a desire to democratize creative processes, collective creation allows a play to be created in group, with or without the help of a professional director, calling for participation, personal expression and collective thinking.
Improvisation Battle
In improvisation battles, two teams of players confront each other, and a facilitator ensures that the rules of the match are respected. The battle combines creativity, a competitive spirit and self-fulfillment.
Guide: How to design an entrepreneurship support project
Lessons learned from the project “Supporting Young Entrepreneurs in The Gambia”.
Guide: Tips for mission and vision statements
Clear mission and vision statements help guide your organization's advocacy efforts.
Guide: How to print and play the World Trip game
This game introduce players to all of the countries in the world and the importance of traveling…